NIGHT CREATURES under the devious arch of the night the MBA students are walking at the marshy edges of the lake with books in their hands fat books books of promise and regret long listings of fevers found money bruises good tests evil tests insults complaints answered money with no work hair growing where you don't want it the students are weary of their studies they look out over the dark mirror of the lake and long for some reflection of their lives and labor they listen to the little frogs crying for love they stand in the mud of the shore and think of the earth extending herself under the lake bearing the heavy burden of water without difficulty wearing the lake like a hat they adjust their ties and try to think the thoughts the earth would have under her hat of water they no longer burn with wanting and planning and waiting they are not blown here and there by the greater power of older men the books fall from their hands and they feel this is it the moment has come to abandon their fixed desires to desire everything all at once their haunches grow heavy they squat in the mud this is the night of their true getting and spending and the arch of the night no longer seems devious it is an invitation to love and they fall on one another in a tangle of cries of discovery
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