ODE TO THE FRIENDS OF POETRY the friends of poetry are in trouble they have not held their tongues they lose their jobs they are criticized for too much hair or no hair their parents despair their friends lament no one understands them if they climb a ladder someone says don't jump if they go to the cellar to check the furnace someone says there is a bomb being made down there their friends tap their temples their lovers sigh there are police cruisers out looking for the uncontrolled the believers in vice and havoc those who have been given clear choices and reject what all others take the poets themselves are out looking for the friends of poetry don't take it so much to heart don't hurt yourself look it's not worth it keep your job keep your mouth shut I have to live with it so can you but the friends of poetry never listen to the poets it's the poems they hear and obey no matter how strange it makes them how alone hunted afraid else why have listened in the first place
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