Sequence: 4
And as for the rest of it: no, I don't believe we should ever
give up getting drunk, getting high, driving too fast, taking
other people's money, putting a hand on someone else's honey,
telling lies, running away from the one who loves us, hanging
lovesick around the one we can't have, spending money on chance,
hating with no good reason, punching the wall, breaking what the
other treasures, beating those who won't resist, staying up all
night raging, despising the world, pissing away good fortune,
begging, fucking strangers we hope never to see again, a differ-
ent stranger every night, two or three at once maybe, deceiving
the young, abandoning the aged, walking through the day hungry
but filled up with shame, loneliness, grief and never telling
a soul, cursing God, hating life, afraid to die and a stranger
to love. From this comes enduring care, undying songs, temples,
the prayers so pure in spirit an angel could never deliver them
and be believed, but we can, for who ever needed purity of spirit