Sequence: 8
In this year, people's talk was often of peace and war.
Great famines and plagues surged across the continents, weather
predictions failed, there were reports of murders amongst family
members, rebels moved in from the perimeter, signs and wonders
abounded. The president sent his generals with troops across
the seas and said he would get his man. While all this was hap-
pening, certain criminals who had looted billions hung onto
their hoard and were still at large. The president's advisors
kept mum. The poor were crushed. Distractions multiplexed as
people took hope in the refuge of Empire. It was said the price
of heroin would go down. A surge of prayers threatened to swamp
Heaven, the churches filled again, it was widely said that right
would triumph because it was now known everywhere. Things fell
from the sky with people in them. In bitter wars far away, in-
human crimes were done in the name of justice, or so we heard.
The president was angry at other presidents and condemned them
for cowardice or insanity. There were crop failures and starva-
tion. Ignorance was widely spread, and more and more one or an-
other would complain of being ill at ease and unable to sleep.
In our own town, the coach was accused of failing, hatred gained
strength, it was publicly said the end of time was near. I my-
self spoke with one who said he had heard voices murmering anx-
iously from the treetops around the courthouse. And I should
report that I was told last summer by a man who has given such
things much study that the drought and the oppressive heat had
come from our piercing the skies with rockets. The president
explained his compassion for those dying overseas and said it
made him weep. He offered money, on certain conditions. There
were many unusual snows this winter.