THE ARGUMENT A burning house invites the comet in for a meal. The conver- sation turns ugly and the comet leaves. The house remains be- hind to see how much of it can burn and it still remains be- hind. There is a figure creeping near the house, and every so often you can see him look in his hand. He is comparing a photo of the house burning with the house burning. His wife waits in the car. Her friend in the second grade had long red hair and her name was . . . If only she could remember! She would start the car and drive home, her husband would be left standing there stupidly, everything would end satisfactorily. But she will not go until she remembers. The house is very bright now, its flames are waving at the comet, best to let bygones be, no sense holding grudges, especially as the comet is getting ready to leave the solar system. The comet packs its bags with rice and stolen watches, moody. Yes, the house can have its way. No sense stirring up trouble. But it could have worked out differently. Oh well, the comet sighs, I will be back again in some decades, and the house won't even be a patch of black ground by then. Its soot will be forgotten, eyes the smoke made water will have long been dust, but I'll still have my ice and my long hair and my legend.
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