The sad mailbox of my extreme youth, what did it ever deliver? The only...

Pick up your socks. Clean the house once in a while. Go to the dentist. ...

Piles and piles of books, boxes of documents, photographs, bones, shreds of clothes...

I was just enough bigger that I could wrestle you into the clean straw of the mow...

I spread my smooth water like a lap and caught the trees' faces where they fell...

Dear Eric, 

I flew in down by the round deep pond behind your house. The grass 
there is long like my neck and high as my legs, and I could speak 
my own language which is silence. Shaking poems from beak 
and feathers, I walked in and out amongst the cattle, bird 
with beasts.

And when you came walking, eyes just ahead of your feet, looking 
for something it seemed, I turned my head with a warning, watching 
you come through the grass. In midstep you saw me, seized by my look.

You could not have borne me, closer. I lifted my wide white wings 
and broke into the air. No sorrow or silence of yours will bring 
me back. 

The Heron